CVO Technical > Cleaning/Detailing

Guage Glass Cleaning

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Goes back much longer than 2012 or 16.  Not knowing how (or not being willing to spend what little difference it would take to accomplish what they actually have to know) to assemble a proper weather tight instrument for motorcycles has been an issue for Harley for as long as I can remember.

I can recall at least two Tour Glides and one FXRT that had gauges that tried (and failed) to wash themselves from the inside out; and we never really paid attention to such things then.  So it had to be at least as common as it is today.

I don't remember seeing the problem with Road King or Softail or Dyna instruments.  Then again none of my Road Kings ever kept their stock instrument for very long and the aftermarket seems to do this better.  So the issue might be going on there too and I just never noticed.  Would be interesting to know if it's just Glide instruments Mother Harley has had issues with though. 

Maybe Harley needs to buy touring gauges from boat builders....

Gauges on my 2010 CVO SG did the same thing.

I cleaned the small gauges on my SEEG. They were so bad, I was going to order new ones so I had nothing to lose by trying.  Took the gauges out and carefully worked around the outside of the ring, prying it up.  Finally got it to where I could remove the ring and glass.  Took some oven glass top cleaner (similar to soft scrub) and removed all the cracked film from the glass.  Cleaned it up real good with glass cleaner then reinstalled the ring and glass...pushing down the edges of the ring and worked around similar to removal.  A small bead of silicone around the edge to make it waterproof.  Let em dry then put them back into fairing.  I could see the edges where I bent them (unacceptable to me) so I went to Napa and got some thick o-rings that fit around the gauges and when pushed all the way in against the inner fairing they are not noticeable but hide the edges of the rings.  The glass is perfectly clear and have not had a single issue in the five years since.

The speedo on my 18 RG is showing the signs of residue so I currently have a new one on order under warranty. If or when it happens again I'll probably go with the Dakota Digitals since it will be on my dime and I have had a few excellent experiences with them in the past and their new Touring gauges are bad azz.

Thought I had a better pic on my phone but this is all I could find...


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