I have one wish on a Monday after a 225 mile ride: Can HD get their collective heads out of their asses and give us a navigation system that works? Soooo many wrong turns, side roads, incomplete routes, created route shows up as 3 rides, Etc., Etc., Etc. I mean really.
Oh, and to boot, the HD app fails to appear on the GTS unless you use a USB cable. We are going back in technology time here!!!!
I agree that the MoCo needs to fix different issues with the navigation, Ride Planner and interface with the HD app.
I lead 2 to 3 rides a week for our customers at our dealership (approximately 30k miles a year). The navigation and ride planner have a lot of quirks. For someone that doesn't use it a lot it can be frustrating.
I primarily use Basecamp as I have found it to be a stable/reliable mapping software. I have also used the ride planner and HD app primarily so I can give advice to customers and friends that want to use ride planner instead of Basecamp. Just for clarification, if you export the route as a gpx, when importing using a thumb drive, the Boom Audio Navigation will not use it properly. If it does, it's only because the settings on the bike match the route as laid out using the mapping software.
A quirk with the ride planner is if you add multiple locations for example start at A, lunch at B and end at C, when you try to use this route as per my example, your rides on the navigation will show 2 routes. This happens when importing as a gpx or using the HD app.
If you just use the start and end, and then use the routing drag feature of ride planner to shape the route, the route will typically follow what it shows you in ride planner. The reason I say typically, is because the actual roads it will follow are still effected by your navigation settings on the bike. The more shaping points you use will help keep the route working the way you want. This only works if you import directly using the HD app and not as an exported gpx.
I have found that the Boom Audio Navigation settings work best having Fastest checked and Highways unchecked. I just use the shaping points (ride planner) or waypoints (Basecamp) to make sure it doesn't take me on the interstate unless I choose to.
As far as the HD app goes, my phone is an android. I had an issue originally not being able to select the app on the bike. I just uninstalled the app on my phone and after the reinstall everything worked fine. Apparently there is an issue with iPhone connecting using Bluetooth. Do not use the Send to bike feature. Open the app on the bike and select the route from the list that is downloaded from the HD app on your phone.
These are my experiences using the Boom Audio navigation since it first came out in 2014. Hope some of what I said helps you.
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