CVO Technical > Electronic Toys and Gadgets

Software update

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Has anyone checked to see if a new map update for the GT is available?

Still no distance to first turn?

Well, that sucks, Did not know my '19 RG Special has the GTS, not the GT 6.5. Not the GT 6.5 for CVO, sooooo, this is third time I have downloaded an update thinking it was an update, and my system says same version is on bike. M20.19.39.00.

Wonder why HD would push out an update for only one version? How hard would it be to modify the update for the other versions of the Infotainment system? Why do we have to wait for their fixes on stupid software longer than others?

Sometimes I REALLY have to wonder who MOCO hires to run their tech side of things. SMH.

Anyone know what I am missing here?

I can confirm the HDI CVO version IS the new update, despite the page still listing it as the old version.


--- Quote from: CVODON on January 31, 2020, 09:00:01 PM ---Has anyone checked to see if a new map update for the GT is available?

--- End quote ---
Just checked and via Naviextras Toolbox updated my 2015 FLTRUSE to NACVO-MY2020. Used my last (third) free update allowed within 5 years :coolblue:! Had to remember exporting a "thumbprint" of my current setup to a thumbdrive to authenticate my entitlement ::).


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