Custom Vehicle Discussions > Screamin' Eagle® Deuce®
factory seats
What is the difference between the 2003 and 2004 cvo deuce? I have been looking for the factory seat and located one on Craigslist but want to know how to identify the 2003 vs the 2004.
Attached is the one I have found.
You can check online here - Ronnie's OEM Parts Finder when you need part numbers.
Just checked and they are showing the following...
2003 Complete Seat Assembly P/N 91809-03
2004 Complete Seat Assembly P/N 91809-04
The black & white pictures look same/similar not sure if there is any real difference since the both have the same root P/N (the last two digits usually signify the year). :nixweiss:
Ride Safe,
Anybody have a photo of the 2003 Deuce seat?
The seat in the picture has a 2 tone to it if you will. What I mean is the center part where the insert is is smooth and the outer part is Houndstooth kinda and the 2003 is the same on the inner and the outer part of the seat cover. Does that make sense to ya? Kinda confused myself but I do know what I am trying to say...Ha! I know it's a late reply but I hope it may help you or somebody in the future maybe.
Thanks a bunch. So I have a 2004 seat. Bummer, but good. The seat I acquired was a new take off and left in a box since.
Thanks for the clarification.
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