CVO Technical > General CVO discussion

2023 CVO's

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--- Quote from: Mr D on September 23, 2022, 12:01:43 AM ---For what it’s worth the MoCo made big changes the following year after a anniversary year
I.e ‘03 100th…..’04 SEEG intro….’08 105th….’09 new touring frame….’13 110th….’14 Rushmore intro

But, there’s new vision at the helm today, so we riders can only hope, anticipate that the bean counters keep the MoCo heritage that Willie G breathed life into this great company

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It was at Harley's 100th Anniversary that I actually laid eyes on the 04 SEEG.  I had actually placed my order with the dealership a couple of weeks prior to that as they had the literature and brochures.  I actually got it in Nov. 03.


--- Quote from: FLSTFI Dave on September 23, 2022, 07:10:38 AM ---Modern Frame and suspension would be nice for the touring line.  Current frame is very outdated.

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Absolutely.  :coolblue:  Harley-Davidson has a long way to catch competitors is these areas and horsepower.


--- Quote from: GregKhougaz on September 23, 2022, 11:28:44 AM ---Absolutely.  Harley-Davidson has a long way to catch competitors is these areas and horsepower.
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I have always said that for an aging market with riders who have arthritis, replaced/repaired knees, hips, backs and shoulders you would think Harley would build bikes with DCTs, reverse and motorized windscreens.

Don't get me wrong, I love my CVO and am keeping it.  But the power, comfort and amenities that come on my Gold Wing keeps the CVO parked most of the time.

Mr D:

--- Quote from: GregKhougaz on September 23, 2022, 11:28:44 AM ---Absolutely.  :coolblue:  Harley-Davidson has a long way to catch competitors is these areas and horsepower.

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My metro Milwaukee dealer dropped a hint that the ‘23 CVO RG
Will have a mono shock frame,  the Rev max powertrain 🤷🏻‍♂️ & be a mid year intro before the 120th party in Milwaukee
Shall be interesting to follow  :vrolijk_11:


--- Quote from: Mr D on September 23, 2022, 07:07:15 PM ---My metro Milwaukee dealer dropped a hint that the ‘23 CVO RG
Will have a mono shock frame,  the Rev max powertrain 🤷🏻‍♂️ & be a mid year intro before the 120th party in Milwaukee
Shall be interesting to follow  :vrolijk_11:

--- End quote ---
RevMax is a great engine and would require a different tune.  Add a mono shock frame it sure would be a step in the right direction. 

Love my 19 CVO, but the engine and suspension on my Pan America is light years ahead of it.


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