Custom Vehicle Discussions > Screamin' EagleĀ® Electra GlideĀ®
What seat fits?
Kinda for the same reasons as you, I am looking at the Road King Comfort Stitch with the nice wide rear passenger pillion! [smiley=biggthumpup.gif]
I have (and it fits fine) the Mustang solo seat and also the 14" rear (removable) passanger pillon for a roadking on my SEEG. My wife hates corbin seats. Had too rip it off my roading after sturgis. They are great seats but very firm. I loved my corbin when I first got it, but later developed lower back problems (not because of the seat) and the switch to the mustang seat made riding much more comfortable.
It does appear however that the corbin seat does mount flusher against the tank and looks a little better on the bike. My main interest was having a solo seat when I'm riding alone (which is 20x more than with my wife).
Got my 04 SEEG on Saturday and my Corbin
dual tour seat off my 03 RKC fits great. And no break in needed.
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