CVO Technical > Milwaukee-Eight
Are there any "reliability" issues with the new M8s?
I've got a new CVO RG Limited coming in. I'm planning to leave the 117 stock (no performance upgrades) but are there any reliability issues I need to address? For example, should I upgrade the cam plate and oil pump or are the stock pieces doing the job? Is there anything else I need to be aware of?
Congrats Joe, which color did you pick?
M8wise, It sounds like they have the weak links (cam chest) taken care of. Of coarse there are many "enhancements" available so if you plan to leave your machine untouched you'll need to stay off of this site and the internet for that matter. LOL.
Do you plan on leaving the exhaust and tune stock as well?
I put 30k miles on my 2019 cvo 117 and the motor was fine. Lots of side issues with the trans, electrical, and bracket etc. Most covered under warranty.
Now have 20k miles on my rebuild at 124”, spent some time and $$$ to get the power I wanted and to make sure it lasts.
Lots of our club members have 114 and 117 bikes now and mostly stock. Oil pumps and assorted oil transfer issues have been addressed and they all seem pretty reliable.
I’ve got 50k on my bike, some have more miles and the motors seem to be running fine.
I’ve owned several M8 bikes from a 2017 CVO Limited to my current 2022 CVO RG. The only issue I had was I dropped a lifter in my 131 at 500 miles and had transfer from the transmission to the primary (19 CVO SG) both covered under warranty. Put 7,000 more trouble free miles on it before I traded for a 20 RGL.
Congratulations on the new bike…!
Im on my second M8 cvo. My 2017 CVO limited ran 20k miles bonestock with slipons and another 10k miles with a 131 kit, no mechanical issues.
My 2021 CVO limited is flawless so far, plan to take it all over Co and Utah this summer.
--- Quote from: JoeVibe on March 14, 2022, 09:39:23 AM ---I've got a new CVO RG Limited coming in. I'm planning to leave the 117 stock (no performance upgrades) but are there any reliability issues I need to address? For example, should I upgrade the cam plate and oil pump or are the stock pieces doing the job? Is there anything else I need to be aware of?
--- End quote ---
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