Custom Vehicle Discussions > Screamin’ Eagle® Softail® Springer®
I recently purchased a 2008 Screamin Eagle Softail Springer and it just doesn't seem to ride right. It's only modifications are a Mustang seat and V&H Big Radius exhaust. I've put a few hundred miles on it so far, and it's been somewhat unwieldy from the start. When I come to a stop, it takes effort to keep it upright (more than I'm used to). When I take off in a turn (right or left), it seems clumsy and awkward, something is just wrong. It's as if it were overly top-heavy and/or somewhat off balance. Yesterday, riding a modest curve, it understeered, placing me in the next lane over, and when I tried leaning more into it to get back on track, it felt as if it wanted to slide out from under me. I don't know what's going on, I've ridden all my life and never felt this experience. I have no confidence in this bikes ability to bite and manage the road, and I don't think it's the model. I rode this exact same model, same everything except no modifications a few years back and it rode just fine, sure-footed and smooth. I'm thinking someone sold me their problem, but what could it be? How can I tell if the forks are the problem? What else could cause this? This was my dream bike but I'm starting to hate it.
Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.
My bet is new tires are in order. It should ride no differently from any other bike.
Actually, I think I have found the problem... and you are close. I bought the bike with a new set of tires already installed. I believe whoever replaced the tires failed to properly align the rear wheel. This would explain ALL the issues I'm having. I'll be checking my belt adjustment and wheel alignment this coming weekend. I'm guessing my rear wheel is as much as 1/4" off.. or worse. "Things I would have known to check, if this were not my first Harley." :nixweiss:
Good luck with the rear wheel realignment.
let us know how you go with that.
Not good. The rear wheel alignment was spot on. This leads me to believe the trouble is with the front fork alignment. It makes sense though.. someone once told me, "if it feels like the problem is in the rear, it's in the front, and visa versa." I'm not sure if I want to try and tackle this myself or trust the dealer? I have the service manual, suppliment and even the parts manual, but have never torn down and rebuilt a springer fork. But then, has anyone at the dealership? It could be a simple adjustment, the head bearing, the rockers, etc. And it might be a good idea to totally disasemble and put back together, who knows if the previous owner ever serviced the forks? If anyone knows of a serious, experienced Springer man in Texas, please let me know. Thanks
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