Custom Vehicle Discussions > Screamin’ Eagle® Dyna® Fat Bob
Oil usage (again)
Thanks for the informative answers, I should have clarified that this usage is as reported by the dealer (they are doing the checking and filling)
I originally took it to them because after riding around 3000km my oil light came on. None of my previous harleys had done this, but this is also my first CVO.
By the dealers logic (and they confirmed when I asked them) that I would need to do multiple top ups between service intervals of 8000km, which I find hard to accept.
The dealer said the oil usage is normal for SE engines and CVOs, so perhaps I should look at having it looked at by another dealer or an independant.
I did notice a few hits on my Google searches of people mentioning issues with the valve guide seals, but there wasn't much conclusive I could point to which is why I came here to reach out to other owners :)
--- Quote from: Yeowow on April 05, 2012, 08:49:33 PM ---
The dealer said the oil usage is normal for SE engines and CVOs, so perhaps I should look at having it looked at by another dealer or an independant.
--- End quote ---
You've just confirmed that there are incompetent dealer technicians all over the world - on every continent!
You're heading the right direction by looking around for another dealer... :2vrolijk_21:
mine sits at 1/2 litre low all the time never have to add oil between changes on either bike 07 Deuce or 2011 R/glide CVO
on my '10 FXDFSE3 I had engine oil leaking into the primary through a "hard seal." Motor was dangerously low on oil, but showed no signs of burning or leaking oil, until he drained everything and came up with the correct amount of SYN3 in the pan. I hadnt heard of this, but he service tech seemed familiar with the problem.
I'm in agreement with everyone on this one. The manual for my '09 FXDFSE says 3 quarts with filter change. If you put anymore than 2 1/3 quarts in mine it will blow it out the breather. I change oil and filter every 3,000 miles never have to add any at all between changes. However, if the dealer changes the oil they'll put 3 quarts in it everytime and the 2/3 quart will be gone in no time. Bet you'll find what they're all telling you to be true. Change the oil and filter. Put in 2 1/3 quarts and problem solved... I hope...worked for me.
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