Custom Vehicle Discussions > Screamin' EagleĀ® Electra GlideĀ®
FLHTCSE Ride Report
The bike is finally broke in. [smiley=1syellow1.gif] It has 630 miles on it and I am still in love.
The power of the 103 is more then I expected. Stock this bike does 90mph under 3500 rpms. The passing power I was always lacking in my old road king is sure present in the FLHTCSE.
I love mountain riding and this bike makes the experience so much more enjoyable. But, if you hate scraping floor boards, you may want to avoid really sharp turns or roads with hair pin turns. Turns that my road king would take without scraping, the FLHTCSE drags the pavement just a little. But I'll take the scraping in exchange for a much better handling bike and riding experience. No one looks under the boards anyways. After a few mountain trips, I should scrape off enough of the floorboards that I shouldnt hear it anymore anyways. I am riding the dragon tale in a few weeks, that should sand down the bottom of the floorboards pretty good.
I installed a slightly taller windshield and what a huge difference it has made. I dont eat near as many bugs and my face isnt frozen when i depart first thing in the morning. I can also hear the radio at 65mph without having to crank it up full blast. I would definitely recommend this change to anyone over 6'2 buying this bike.
got up into the upper 40's today so we got to put on the first 100 miles, the bike feels great but seems to backfire some decelerating will have to gave this checked out. the pipes aren't quite as loud as i'd like but sound good and will still have to be carefull when theres cops around. I really like the 9in. windshield i can still wear a baseball cap as long as its tight and see over the top. I like the stock seat but my wife was asking how long before the mustang seat arives so that will be the end of the stock seat. otherwise the bike got alot of attention from other people and some laughs from some guys at a bar that just came in from golfing. imagine that people golfing in 40 degree weather, they didn't understand why i was laughing at them?
Liketoride can you tell me what windshield you went with? Part #? Is it tinted?
I'm 6'4" and I had already guessed the same problem. I have already posted a question about the seat, too. Has anybody put a Corbin seat on theirs?
1/2 way thru break-in
Yup, just found the same thread and visited Ebay to place the order. I also sent them an email to see if they can make the 9" in a dark tint. I think I could use the extra inch...
Thanks for the info!!! [smiley=biggthumpup.gif]
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