Custom Vehicle Discussions > Screamin’ Eagle® Softail® Springer®
FXSTSSE Ride Quality
I have the blue and I find the bike to ride and handle great. I have no issues with it and I have owned a 96 Fat Boy, a 2006 Pitt Bull and a wide glide.. I agree with the forward controls needing to move forward some. If the handle bars had about 2 more inches of pull back I would be 100% satisfied.. but again the handleing and smoothness is as good as any..
Having ridden many Fat Boys, I fully agree that the new 07 Springer handles much better.
--- Quote ---Having ridden many Fat Boys, I fully agree that the new 07 Springer handles much better.
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--- Quote ---Having ridden many Fat Boys, I fully agree that the new 07 Springer handles much better.
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Doesn't look like you can attach pictures in this area; you will have to use your imagination with regard to the frame and footboard posted above :)
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