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Harley CEO, credited with its rebuilding, retires


article was there yesterday. the link to article has different article now, you will see that same article there again amidst a bunch of them but the link there for one article still goes awry.  There are other articles on this subject. so much for not copying and pasting, try this:


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MFG your link is an article regarding the drop in gas prices.  Do you want to edit it?

thanks JCZ, edited the post, as you will see the link is still to the wrong....must be how the Chippewa paper runs their links.

Try this one.......

While in Milwaukee for the 100th a friend who is in management level at HD Headquarters gave my wife and I and a few others a personal guided tour.  During that tour, we were actually able to go into Jeff Bleustein's office.  I felt like I was at the gate to heaven.......I know that not many make it through that door.  He doesn't post but he lurks here now and then so I'll say thanks Jeff, for the tour!

more on this from rider report


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