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Motorcycle license endorsments

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I just got my Motorcycle license endorsments on my Texas license.

Cabo the score right now is 3-0 ;D

i did it the leagel way decide i wanted to get a bike got my mortorcycle permit. bought a bike learned to ride the went for my license test

had a m/c license since about 1975. cheated and took it on a honda 175 street bike. examiner laughed, said I looked like I was stealing the bike it was so small. Glad I don't have to take it again.

Had it since I was 16. Interested to see if any other states have similair laws. In Iowa you can pass your written test and get a motorcycle permit at 14. Then you ride within site and hearing distance of a (motorcycle) licensed individual, even if the accompanying individual is in a car. My son got his at 14, my wife would follow him in the car and was stopped numerous times and questioned as to why he was riding without a license, alone, then my wife would proceed to pull over also and enter the conversation. Never had an officer do the stop that was familiar with the law, the stop would take 15 minutes or longer before the cop found someone who knew the law and would let them go on their way. Looking back it was  fun screwing with the system. Anyone else have similar license laws.


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