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Author Topic: Dyno Sheet  (Read 4762 times)

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Dyno Sheet
« on: January 17, 2004, 10:19:36 AM »

Here is a dyno sheet on my '01 SERG. This was not a tuning session just a freebe run at an open house at the local dealer. The bike is stock plus Thunderheader slip ons and PCII. The PC was "mapped" by the original owner without the benefit of dyno. The tech at the freebe run said they could get another 5-6 hp and raise the tq to 100 fp. I'm pleased with the current power but can't help but thinking about what I might be missing.
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Re: Dyno Sheet
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2004, 11:14:37 AM »

Here is a dyno sheet on my '01 SERG. This was not a tuning session just a freebe run at an open house at the local dealer. The bike is stock plus Thunderheader slip ons and PCII. The PC was "mapped" by the original owner without the benefit of dyno. The tech at the freebe run said they could get another 5-6 hp and raise the tq to 100 fp. I'm pleased with the current power but can't help but thinking about what I might be missing.

Thanks for posting your dyno sheet and welcome to the board.  I think the numbers for improvement that they quoted you are a little conservative for a 95" motor.  My 88" stock motor (internal) with high flow air cleaner and Thunderheader and PC turned 76.2 HP and 90.2 Ft-lb torque.  A true Thunderheader (they make it with the dummy left side for the dual look) will bump you up even more.  A "dyno tune" would help, even with what you already have.  Just a suggestion......any time you get your bike dynoed, always ask for air/fuel numbers.....that is as much a part of the story as the HP and Tq.
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