CVO Technical > Cleaning/Detailing

Paint protection film on tank

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J Meadows:
I had it installed on my 2014 Dayton Blue Street glide. When they took it off it pealed the clear & the Gold Leaf Harley writing.

I have a dense grey foam mat that I cut to fit on top of my tanks. It's for my dog. He loves to ride and I can't keep him off the bike when I fire it up. The mat is 1/2 inch thick and flat, so I used some one inch, two sided sticky tape to keep the edges down.

About a month later I took the mat off to ride solo & I thought the adhesive left globs on the tank. NOPE, it had pulled the top clear coat off in one inch chunks. The second clear coat was shiny in those spots??? Lucky for me it was above the flames, and I was able to wet sand the edges and blend it in. The first clear coat wasn't prepped before they shot the second layer on. I couldn't believe it. Be careful, your milage may vary.


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