All good T-Hawk... I think I just over did it and left the alcohol in there a little too long. I read up on the effects of cleaning plastics with alcohol and the chances on leaving the white film behind. it only showed up while blowing out the housing with the air compressor and then got much worse once it completely dried.
It took almost all day, but I was able to clear everything out and looking brand new again. I added equal parts Simple Green and water in the housing and taped the holes so there were no air bubbles and placed it in a bowl filled with water so none of the solution would leak. I left it to sit on the counter for half the day and shook it up for a bit before ringing it out... dissolved all the haze and left it shiny again - thank God.
If I were to do it again, I think it would have been better (in my case) to add equal parts vinegar and water then rinse it out. Or just use very little alcohol and blow it out rather quickly.