CVO Social > Rider Down

Are You Tougher Than A Harley-Davidson?

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Thank you for the kind words, guys. Feeling just fine these days.

Via Tapatalk

Man, saw this thread pop back up remembering that it had wound down last year and first fear was there'd been some kind of complication.  Relieved  :drink: .

Keep feeling good/better/however-much-she'll-let-you-get-away-with.


--- Quote from: GregKhougaz on April 19, 2018, 04:48:23 PM ---UPDATE #2:

Saw the Orthopedic hand specialist, yesterday. Took the disc of my X-RAYS with me, of course. An assistant comes in and tells me that my X-RAYS show 6 broken ribs; not 2 as the urgent care folks told me and that I have a pneumothorax (punctured lung). While I'm waiting for the Doctor, the urgent care facility calls to tell me almost the same thing. Very strange timing. Had to get a complete check up by an internist to get cleared for surgery but it's set for Tuesday morning. Lung seems to be healing. Still nothing to do for the ribs but the Doctors want to know how I'm walking around like this. Internist says they would never perform surgery until they were confident my lung was OK so I really have not lost any time.  Oh well....    :1112:

Doctor will move thumb back into proper position and insert a screw to keep it in place. Soon I'll be back to :guitarist:

--- End quote ---

Holy CHIT man!  WOW!  So sorry to hear of this whole situation and circumstances.  DEFINITELY get a lawyer!  Glad you are "ok" (wounds heal, I hear the saying goes...) and stuff can get replaced.

Gonna make for a hell of a story to tell!  Get well soon!


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