Custom Vehicle Discussions > 1999 FXR2/1999 FXR3/2000 FXR4
2000 fxr4 tach and speedo jumping around
My tach and speedo are jumping around...any suggestions from the group??
--- Quote from: hdfxr3 on August 03, 2023, 09:56:02 AM ---My tach and speedo are jumping around...any suggestions from the group??
--- End quote ---
FXR2 and FXR3 had front wheel driven cable operated mechanical speedometers. FXR4 made the change to electronic speedo with the sensor in the transmission. Whenever you see one of those "bouncing around" the first, easiest, free thing to try is to pop the sensor out of the transmission housing and wipe it off. Hopefully in so doing you only find normal years-of-gunk collected rather than the metallic shards of a transmission that is a failed attempt at becoming a Transformer.
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