Custom Vehicle Discussions > CVO™ Road Glide Ultra®
I understand that the ZUMO 660 can be paired with a cell phone. Since this is a factory installed unit that is pre-wired into the audio system does anyone know if you can talk on the phone using the wired headset for the CB.
I had to get a "cellset" from Cycle Gadgets to be able to do that.
Are you satisfied with the way it works? How difficult was it to install? Can the wires be hidden well?
I didn't install it buy my dealer says it was a bitch. The phone works pretty good if you have a full or 3/4 helmet. With a 1/2 helmet it doesn't work near as well. With the cellset you can also here commands from your Zumo through your headset. It will interupt the radio and when the zumo needs to give commands. However, it doesn't do the same through the speakers if you don't have on a helmet. On the other hand, if you want to just get directions and have the zumo interupt the radio then HD just came out with a wiring harness that will do the same BOTH through the speakers and headset and much cheaper. I have an '10 Ultra and the new wiring harness would work on my bike. Don't know about yours. If you are interested in the Cellset call Sean @ Cycle Gadgets and he'll give you some info. Some guys swear by it. Hope this is clear as mud.
Looks like the 2011 FLTRUSE comes with the new harness that allows the GPS audio to be heard through the speakers/headset. Sounds like the Cellset should take care of the rest.
Thanks for the information,
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