CVO Technical => Riding Gear => Topic started by: RayG on June 24, 2009, 11:34:34 AM

Title: Best night and sunglasses!
Post by: RayG on June 24, 2009, 11:34:34 AM
I have always had fitment issues using riding glasses for both night and sun until someone gave me the bright idea of using the glasses that sky divers use. Man that just makes allot of sense!  Which is why I didn't think of it. I purchased a set of each for $10.00 but until the ARK rest or the rain stops I won't be able to give them a good test. I have the 17" Clearview windshield and put a new Airhawk seat cushion, which my butt loves but raises me up enough to be blasted by the wind. I put about three hundred miles with the wind blasting my eyes using glasses that didn't fit properly and they were windburned the next day. I guess I'm just spoiled by the windshield fitting properly. Anybody else find a solution for nice tight fitting glasses that don't cost very much, I rarely use a helmet. I'm rough on scratching and loosing a pair every now and then so the expensive ones are out.  It's like the riding shorts that the Bicyclist use that keep us dry and super comfortable on long trips and other products that we find a use for.  If they work out well, resist fogging etc. I'll report back.

To all you guys who think outside the box and report back to guys like me - THANKS and keep the ideas coming.

Ray G.