CVO Social > Rider Down


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 :-[  I thought I'd let you guys know that DCFiremann was injured Saturday at the WV State HOG Rally in Canaan Valley, WV.  He hit a deer on the Ultra and the bike went down.  He was hit hard in the ribs by the handlebars.  

I was riding with him (as a passenger) back to the lodge on the Ultra after a late lunch at Coyote's.  I wanted to go by the resort and pick up a sweatshirt before the vendors packed up due to rain.  I remember glancing at the time (3:36) as I reached for my phone.  About that time, the Dawg said "Oh sh*t!"  Three deer were standing it the road.  A car in the opposite lane slammed on their brakes as the Dawg braked hard.  As brakes  were screeching, the deer cleared the road, but a fawn turned and came back into the path of the bike. The front wheel locked and we skidded (on the deer) until the bike went down on the right-side and slid another 30 yards on the crash bar.  From the blood and hair, it looks as if it rolled under the front wheel and caught on the engine guard before finally coming free and rolling out from under the left saddle bag.  I came off immediately and had already came to a stop before I saw DC flipping over and rolling into the ditch.  I was terrified when he stopped rolling and was not moving at all!  People were already stopped trying to help us up.  I walked away with a scraped hand, sprained ankle and hurt knee.  DC was not so lucky.  He broke a couple ribs, has no skin on the top of his right forearm (despite the long-sleeve sweatshirt he had on), and cut his head above his right eye.  

BTW, both of us were wearing helmets.  Neither of us were strong supporters of helmet laws until now.  DC will tell you, when he feels better and can type, those helmets most likely saved us both.  Both helmets have 1/4" deep scrapes that are 4" long.  The police officer told us we were both lucky.  We are and we know that!  However, as a firefighter and having his own heating/air business, DCFiremann will have physical demands that he will not be able to meet for a few months.  Please remember him in your thoughts and prayers!


Cuts mend, ribs heal and scrapes grow back.  You've got a story to share and not one to mourn.  That's not the most important thing.  It's the only thing.  Very glad you're both ok; or at least ok enough for right now.  Best toughts I can muster flying east to both of you.  If you guys need anything remind him he's got my number.

Terribly sorry about the accident V and best to you and DC as you heal.

Bummer about the accident, but glad that you both survived. As one that survived an accident with a very large scrape on my helmet, I agree totally when it comes to head protection. Being from TX, there are deer everywhere. They scare me much more than cages in this area. Good luck with both of your recoveries.


Sorry to hear that!
Tell the "Dawg" he is in our thoughts.
We expect to see him at Myrtle beach for the fall rally.
And you also!


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