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2013 CVO Obsidian grey front fairing replacement


HELP!!  I had an unfortunate meeting of my baby (Big Sexy is her handle) and some unforgiving Texas highway.  70 mph.  User error (new rain shower, new back tire w 550 miles on it broke free...I know!) For BOTH of us, only cosmetic damage.  All of her other parts aquired except a front fairing.  I will Steve Austin her.  I need direction on how to replace or reproduce.  I want my bike to look stock.  She and I have a 550 mile ride to that exact spot to collect some skin and reflect. 

Chances of finding an oem fairing are slim. You can do advanblack etc and get it color matched/painted. Glad you’re ok!

Reach out to Joe at Xtreme Dimensions in NJ. He can take care of you.
His webpage stinks but it has His number on it  (856) 740-5020
His facebook page is a testimonial to his work.
His FB cover photo has a pix of the bike you have that He did a lot of paint work for.

Joe at Xtreme Dimensions in NJ.  He has done great color match for CVO Stuff for me.

'Preciate the input. I'll be giving ol Joe a call!


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