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Reno Street Vibrations June 2023
I’m not sure if “Bike Rallies” are going to continue, at least Reno Street Vibrations.
I went looking for vendors with show prices. I was just hoping to pick up a half cover to use on the road, tire plug kit, compact tire inflator and maybe a bike battery jumper. All they had were T-shirts, and non motorcycle stuff like dog food and CutCo cookware. Even at Battleborn HD and Reno HD the offerings were limited. I guess I’ll have to buy that stuff off Amazon. The only thing I bought in the vendor area was a plate of Korean chicken and fried rice, it was good. In Virginia City I had an ice cream cone. It was entertaining for a while, at least until it became a cacophony of throttle revving.
Not too long ago you could ride in to a rally, buy tires, filters and fluids and there was a guy there to install them and service your bike. You could even get suspension systems installed, and a dyno tune. After all that there was an area where scantily clad women would wash and wax your bike by hand.
Today it was all “official T-Shirts” and booths for motorcycle attorneys. What happened? Are folks losing interest? Did COVID kill it off? Did the ease of the internet and Amazon replace booth vendors? Does this portend what's to come?
I guess it's time to make motorcycle rallies great again.
I hear ya. Stopped going to bike rallies a few years ago. Prior to that I attended 2-3+ per year. Got tired of paying triple room rates (double was bad enough), paying too much for semi cool semi flat beer from scantily clad wimmens (the wimmens part was ok but the beer sucked), seeing booth after booth with the same crap & knowing that the t-shirt vendor or the leather vendor or the doo rag vendor had the same crap at multiple locations & it was all the same crap, & the traffic. Mostly was the traffic. Waiting in line for an hour to go a mile is not fun for me anyway. Then look for the parking spot that wasn't there. Plus the good rides in the area are crammed with riders of dubious skill & possibly dangerous inebriation & nowhere near the level of nekkid ta tas there used to be.
I might consider a rally if a vendor was there (lights, windshield, stereo upgrade, etc.) & was looking for that specific something for the bike. Used to get tires at rallies for good prices, don't see that at the ones around here anymore. My bike is set for now & waiting hours for a friend's bike to get stuff was what we would usually do at the last rallies I went to. Buying that warm flat overpriced beer...
Or am just a full fledged curmudgeon & rallies do not offer a porch rocker where I can yell at all those young whippersnappers to get off my lawn. ;D :drink:
--- Quote from: iski on June 06, 2023, 03:00:34 PM ---I might consider a rally if a vendor was there (lights, windshield, stereo upgrade, etc.) & was looking for that specific something for the bike. Used to get tires at rallies for good prices, don't see that at the ones around here anymore. My bike is set for now & waiting hours for a friend's bike to get stuff was what we would usually do at the last rallies I went to.
--- End quote ---
I'm sick of the T-shirts and warm beer, I can get that at Target.
I try to find out ahead of time if there are vendors and who they are, but like most things a lack of information abounds. Like you both my bikes (CVO Ultra and GoldWing) are set. I'm just looking for other "stuff" to take on the road. Guess I'll have to get it off Amazon.
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