Custom Vehicle Discussions > 1999 FXR2/1999 FXR3/2000 FXR4
Wiring Diagram for Gauges
Does anyone have the manual with a the wiring diagram for the gauges?? I'm switching out my old tach and speedo to an all in one KOSO unit. The diagram would make my life a little bit easier..Thanks!
What are you going to do to fill the extra hole in the dash (or are you changing to some other dash also) if you only run one instrument?
I don't have the schematic but the stock instruments couldn't be simpler. Speedo is mechanical so the only wires to it are for dash lights. Those are easy enough to sort. The tach only has lights and the signal wire for the tachometer function. So, again, there's not much to find there.
Things like oil warning and turn signal indicators aren't in the instruments. Those idiot lights are up on the handlebar clamp. They are all isolated up there though so if you're eliminating that and bringing the indicators and warning lights in to the new speedo they'll be easy to sort also.
You'll have to either replace the speedo gear drive up on the front wheel with an electronic version to drive a non-mechanical speedo or get one of the other parts that does the same job but mounts against some other rotating surface. Does your new gauge have a speedo indicator that it suggests or requires? Whatever that combination is will dictate the wiring for speed indication.
Will be curious as you move ahead here. Be sure and share as you go.
--- Quote from: Twolanerider on June 20, 2020, 12:30:49 PM ---What are you going to do to fill the extra hole in the dash (or are you changing to some other dash also) if you only run one instrument?
I don't have the schematic but the stock instruments couldn't be simpler. Speedo is mechanical so the only wires to it are for dash lights. Those are easy enough to sort. The tach only has lights and the signal wire for the tachometer function. So, again, there's not much to find there.
Things like oil warning and turn signal indicators aren't in the instruments. Those idiot lights are up on the handlebar clamp. They are all isolated up there though so if you're eliminating that and bringing the indicators and warning lights in to the new speedo they'll be easy to sort also.
You'll have to either replace the speedo gear drive up on the front wheel with an electronic version to drive a non-mechanical speedo or get one of the other parts that does the same job but mounts against some other rotating surface. Does your new gauge have a speedo indicator that it suggests or requires? Whatever that combination is will dictate the wiring for speed indication.
Will be curious as you move ahead here. Be sure and share as you go.
--- End quote ---
The Koso unit I picked fits perfect in the one hole. As for the tach hole I was either going to get a carbon fiber or make a leather cap. I could use killer red or some other sort of adhesive to attach it to the console. All of the indicator lights will be in the Koso unit. The speedo comes off the trans now ( I have a baker 6 speed in it).
I've been doing a lot with this build..It's been a work in progress an has been changed for years. But I think I have an idea and a finish line in sight. Here's a pic as she sits right now...
I don't know why that pic is so stretched out...
So far what I've done it recently:
14" FXR Division split MX T Bars
Magnum Shielding cables
Dual disk chromed fork tubes
PM Brakes
EBC Rotors front and rear
I found a master cylinder off a CVO on ebay to handle the extra caliper
Race Tech springs in the forks
2" over fork tubes
Ohlins Blackline 14.25 shocks (Motorcycle Metal, howard is a wizard)
9 spoke wheels, chromed
Like I said before this bike has come a long way...Here's a pic of it before I started and how it was for the past 12 years...Back in the day all that I did was:
113 S&S Motor
6 Spd Baker
Chain drive
PM wheels/brakes
It would just really help to get the wiring diagram so I can hook up this new gauge system..I found a place online where I can get the manual in PDF format for $20, but wanted to see if anyone knew of the diagram floating around in the ether...
Thanks for your help
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