Custom Vehicle Discussions > 1999 FXR2/1999 FXR3/2000 FXR4
Any "Stone Cold Blue" FXR2's out there?
It occurred to me that even though we talk about the rarity of the Blue FXR3's, to my knowledge, we've never had an owner of a Blue FXR2 on this board. I've been here since December of 2003 and I can't recall one even visiting, much less becoming a Regular here.
I've only seen one blue "2" on the road and it was last Spring down here. I was in the car and going somewhere (couldn't chase them down) but the bike had two up heading north on US1 near my home. They had no luggage--apparently weren't traveling, but I know that Snowbirds sometimes trailer or ship their bikes down for the season. Only seen it that once.
Anyway, does anybody out there know anybody with a blue FXR2? Ever see them around?
Mike in April of 2005 I was at my local dealership and there was a Stone Cold Blue FXR2 in the lobby at the Service Center there.....just getting a bit of work done on it, as it turns out it was right before I purchased my Arresting Red FXR2. I just happened to be in the parts department and happened to walk through the door and there it was, the Owner of it was standing there so we took a few moments to talk.....that was before I really came to this website of course....and he wasn't that warm about exchanging numbers, one of those feelings you get, a bit reserved.......I told him I was looking to purchase an FXR2, so we had a conversation for about 10 minutes....he was a nice enough guy.....
Like you I hadn't really seen a Stone Cold Blue FXR2 yet, while I had seen a couple of FXR2 Arresting Reds, and of course had seen the FXR3 green (buddy owns that one so easy to see) and I had seen the yellow pearl and tangerine FXR4's at dealerships.....but the FXR2 Stone Cold Blue was pretty exciting to see.....The "HD Decal" Harley Davidson is simply painted on in a "flat" type color and doesn't "ghost" like the "Arresting Red's "HD Decal" Harley Davdison and the "Stone Cold Blue" color has a bit more "red" in it making it more of a "violet" color than a deep royal blue/purple....while it was exciting to see it....and given there are only 275 of them in the US, I would certainly enjoy owning one...[smiles] I find the "Arresting Red" candy red with the "ghost" "HD Decal" Harley Davidson to be a bit more "Striking" to my eyes....
I like you hope we get an Owner of the Stone Cold Blue to pop in and join us all here.....
Even though that bike resides in a community 7 miles from me I have never seen the bike or the Owner since......
Edited: to correct "Cold Stone Blue to Stone Cold Blue
I remembered this member from days past. Looks like he was just logged in yesterday, so hopefully, he'll be back again soon and see this thread! :2vrolijk_21:;u=2669
--- Quote from: 103tHunDer on November 25, 2008, 04:08:06 PM ---
I remembered this member from days past.
--- End quote ---
Good catch. After looking at his posts I remembered him, too.
Still out there, "Stone Cold"?
Found one other here. ;)
Says Huntington. Wonder if that's the Huntington near me? He says he's from the left coast and moved to the right coast. Could be. :confused5:
He's never been on since the site's been revamped. :nixweiss:
Hoist! 8)
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