Very nice story RickC,
Especially with your search into Boston - I believe the dealership in Boston was Paramount Harley Davidson. The Silver is mine and I ordered it early August - it just arived and I just finished the paper work yesterday - it is purdy. This dealer also has a Yeller on the floor that's been there for almost 2 months with no taker's but the dealer also tipically sells CVO's $3.5 over MSRP. The sales guy said he gets most, if not all calls on the Silver SERG. With this being my third bike from them, the over MSRP was waived (only way I would buy it). I told the owner out right that they are doing themselves a disservice trying to sell CVO's over MSRP with the economy and everything going on, but hey, its not my dealership and I won my fight to get mine at MSRP.
I will say this RickC - don't settle and go for the color you want. I love both the Yellow and Orange but for me, the Silver is timeless and it was what I wanted, although it took a while to get my dream color.
The weather here is nasty and its about to get worse with another 8 inches of the white stuff today - nuff said.