Closing Kansas City and opening in Thiland it's a global enconomy.
The plant in Thailand is only for the bikes to be sold there. The reason is, it is almost impossible to import a harley into that country due to the very hi Tariffs. So Harley has figured out how to be able to sell there. Build there. This is not taking American jobs, as you can't import the bike if its built here as the Tariff makes it way to expensive.
Loss of sales unfortunately is likely the only thing that will force HD to improve both product quality/reliability and dealer experience. Kudos to the consumers. Unfortunately the workers at the plant have to be so directly impacted by what in part can be traced back to the management.
I full agree on needing to improve quality and reliability. Dealer experience depends on the dealer. There are some that are very good. There are many that are mediocre at best. There are many that are horrible. They will have a hard time getting the horrible dealers to become good.