we also hadn't been attacked my islamofacists... folks seems to have forgotten that little event on 11 Sept.
I didn't - and have been to Iraq and other asshole parts of the world 3 times in the past 4 years to repay our debt
For the few that have trouble with the concept there's even one more way to put it. Back during the Cold War it was a common refrain that America paid a disproportionate cost of the defense of NATO; of Europe. That the Europeans weren't paying as much for their own defense as we were.
The point would often leave out the fact of a shared enemy. Even more importantly it left out what the Europeans did bring to the table. They provided the battlefield. By choice of strategy they and we challenged the Soviets across Europe primarily. Having the primary conventional battlefield someplace off our shores was bigger than any defense budget line item.
The operations in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere have obviously been expensive. In every measure. They've obviously not been absolute victories. Though those rarely happen in non-conventional conflicts. Those operations moved the battlefield from our backyard back to theirs though. That's an immeasurable gain.