Here is a link to my facebook page after the bike was treated with the Glare Microfinish and Glare Polish. Perry was great to work with and called me personally and gave me directions on how to apply the products. It was easy to put on and off and would be a great early spring project for anyone. The bike definitely has that wet look, and I am glad I purchased the products. I did get the cvoharley discount. I read the numerous reviews on this site and decided to try it for myself, and am happy. I will be curious to see if I can get away with it once a season, but Perry says I should be able too. The paint and crhome really shine in the sun. Get with me if anyone has any questions about what I did or the products I used.
Here is their website
Thanks and take a look if you like, Rob.
Your bike looks great. Glare is good stuff.
Maybe I've just gotten used to it, but rarely does my bike make me go "WOW" anymore from just looking at it.......unless I've been away from it for awhile. It happened when I picked it up this week. Rod had it sitting in the sun, and it was BLINGIN' on 8 month old Glare.
However, I just spent the day washing, cleaning, detailing, fresh Glare job..........really giving into my "real OCD," and I'm like........."eh." Not really impressed, but like I said, I've gotten used to it. It's like any good TQ and develop a tolerance over time, so you want more to keep the rush going.
I'm completely addicted.
Both mentally and physically dependent.