No problem... I wasn't upset. This is the first forum I've ever posted on and only one of two that I still post on. I haven't logged onto Facebook in a year. I almost never email anyone in the family. Written words often fail to convey the real feelings that people have. So when someone thinks I'm an A-Hole I try to explain my feelings but don't get upset about it. Often they may be right anyway.
I just got tired of trying to accommodate groups. It never seemed like anyone wanted to accomodate Malinda and I in return. So now I make it clear that I will do my own thing in the case of weather, traffic and speed. If the group wants to follow me they're welcome. If the group wants to do their own thing Malinda and I are perfectly capable of going it alone. But if there's ever a biker in need, I stop, I wait, I help. If there's a biker who thinks I should be miserable instead of them because of their lack of planning, then the term hard ass a-hole would be about right on the money!
Ride Safe,
JC - My BSR & I have ridden with folks that we have tried to accommodate (the above rain gear up scenario) but when it came time for our turn, they just went their own ways or so it seemed. So with them we do the same & everyone in that group is ok with it or nobody GAS. Somebody said it earlier in this thread - sometimes bikers are like pirates. We hang with our mateys but sometimes it's every man for himself - subjectively. Group we ride with now we stop for whatever the group decides unless they stop too damn much or we are in a mood to get somewhere - which we are sometimes (especially this time of year when it rains damn near every late afternoon).
Group we ride with mostly are all baggers so we have all sorts of gear. This time of year sometimes we ride in rain with no gear due to the heat - if we a not too far from the destination or the day is just miserably hot. Some in our group do not like to get wet so usually we will accommodate them but if we have warned them at the gas stop before the rain & they did not gear up, let's just say the sympathy ain't exactly in operation so we usually just ride through it. Unless it's cold & that is a different story.
While the thread is funny in spots (coffee spewages about the nitrogen and the dino vs syn and that very odd fellow who suggested a snorkel/bubble) am somewhat troubled that no one mentioned that reportedly GLARE will repel water from as much as 3 feet away from your bike. If all the bikes in the group had GLARE on them and were more than 3 feet apart, theoretically nobody would ever get wet. GLARE is the Chuck Norris of bike polishes.