Yes, I know helmets (and helmet laws suck) got it...
but for those who do wear helmets, where do you leave them on the bike where carrying them around isn't an option? WHen I've got my passenger back rest on, I just set it over that... but it has a tendancy to rub the rear fender. I also set it on the mirror, but that isn't the most secure location.
Not that it is much security at all, but if I'm gonna be gone for a bit, I'll at least secure the chin strap, to prevent a quick get-away.
I either wear a full-face or a 3/4, so hanging it off the bars like you can with a small helmet isn't an option (not to mention the chance of a random Colorado rainshower popping up and fills your helmet with water... lol)
Just figured I'd throw it out to see if anyone came up with a great spot I didnt think of... lol