I did not know about this forum and am wondering if I would have purchased my bike had I read the comments about lack of service, engineering, regard, innovation, reliability, power, paint quality, peeling chrome, oil leak, etc., etc. If I had decided against buying my bike, I would have missed out on the best summer I have had since forever and that would have been a damn shame. Can't stop smiling when I am riding the bike. It is the best bike on the face of the earth and was made especially for me!
Have had no issues mechanically or with my dealer, who on their own noticed discoloration on the clutch hydraulic line and the leather on the pillion, ordered both, and changed them out during the 1000 mile service.
This past weekend as I was changing out the shocks on the bike, I found a small area which is rusted on the fuel tank, hidden by the seat, and an imperfection on the primary that was obviously there but was chromed over regardless. I intend to take the bike to the dealer and have both these issues addressed under warranty and, based on my prior experience dealing with the HD dealers, I am sure they will resolve these problems properly.
So two thoughts on the issue of negativity:
1-If the dealer does not take care of the two minor issues for me I like the option of coming to this forum and venting and having everyone agree with me that I was wronged. I belonged to another forum where, whenever a member brought up any grievance with the vendor(s), the particular vendor's fan club went on the attack mode accusing the person complaining of being a jerk or lying, etc. Not cool.
2-If any potential future CVO owner is reading the negative feelings and comments about HD, CVO line, dealers, please take is with a grain of salt. A lot of the members who post these comments are long time harley owners. Just check out their avatar, list of current and past bikes, and, despite threats of going for an Indian, BWM, etc., their comments regarding 'keeping' the harley as well. So get a Harley, join the club, mess with your bike every weekend when its raining and ride it whenever the sun is shining.
p.s. This is a great site, very helpful members, and a great source of information on why's/how to's.