I bought this bike used in January. The GPS mount was there, but no GPS.
I bought a used Garmin 660 off of eBay. It works but I can't seem to figure out how to make the GPs come through the speakers.
Anyone know any tricks or tips for the technically unsavy?
I did not read the replies, I only skimmed them, so it may have been mentioned.
First, you mention getting the 660 off of eBay. I am thinking that you purchased a Zumo 660 not a RoadTech Zumo 660, is this correct? If it is a Zumo 660, then forget the spoken directions, you are not getting them. I mean you can get them, but I don't think you want to, to get spoken directions with the Zumo 660, you will have to use a 3.5mm aux connector and plug the unit in the radio and select AUX as the source, which means the only source of sound would be the sound coming from the Zumo itself.
Now if it is indeed a RoadTech Zumo 660, then you need to set a destination on the unit and go for a short ride, at the first turn, if you have not heard the directions or have not had the radio cut out for a few seconds, then you have a problem with the NIM, research the NIM problem, as in, is it actually there, is there power, etc., now if during the short ride the radio does cut out, then, when the radio first cuts out, hit the volume up on the handlebar controls and this will raise the volume on the NIM input.
I am betting you don't have the correct GPS unit, I spoke with Garmin about this exact problem 6 years or so ago, when they first badged the 660/665 units for HD, because I thought at that time it was a mistake to call the HD units RT Zumo 660 or RT Zumo 665 vs. the Zumo 660 or Zumo 665, instead of changing the number for the HD units to (who cares what) something like 680/685 or 760/765 it doesn't matter as long as the numbers are changed, normal joes can tell the difference. The problem, as I said to them back then, would be and has been, that most people would see no difference in the different units, because they would only see a Zumo 660/665, not that there is actually a Zumo 660/665 and a RT Zumo 660/665. Adding the RoadTech name to the unit is fine, but not really noticed like the number change would be, so both should have been done, the HD badged units should have been the RT Zumo 680/685.