I don't know guys. This one would worry me. Without measuring wheel rotation it can't know how much pressure drop to regulate or when to do it. So the only way it can promise to avoid wheel lock up is to lessen hydrualic pressure to the point that you can't lock up the wheel. A little ball and valve orifice wouldn't surprise me.
But pressure lessened below the point of being able to lock up the wheel is, ipso facto, pressure lowered to the point of something below maximum braking effect. Without monitoring of wheel rotation itself that (seems to me anyway) to be the only way to accomplish what they're suggesting.
If that's what's being done than in normal operation you're never going to notice the difference. In that one "oh chit" moment though you'll have to be at least some small percentage of braking ability below maximum. Granted, that might be better than we could do ourselves trying to regulate it with hand and feet feeling our way through a panic stop. But, at least for me, I think I'd rather try to feel my through and now where max braking is rather than knowing I'll never have it available.