I guess it sits me back a little more than a stock dresser seat. Compaired to a SEEEG seat its about the same position for me but is more comfortable. There is just more of it.
Laker, As a card carrying member of the BTDT Club, I gotta chime in, late butt still... [smiley=cool3.gif]
I had a 98 Road King and we'd go out for a good ride and by the end my tailbone was shot. I tried adjusting myself forward and back with no real impact. I finally broke down and got the gel pad put into my seat and that added 75 - 100 miles to my day. Better, but not enough (lotta buts in this thread.) [smiley=shocked2.gif]
So I broke free of some more cash and got the Mustang seat and that was definitely the answer! [smiley=xyxthumbs.gif] [smiley=xyxthumbs.gif] [smiley=xyxthumbs.gif]
Now I do have to say three things. First, mine pushed me farther forward, and that was not what I (6') was looking for - damn sure made me a highway peg king! Second, as sure as I am that the seat was a major improvement, that backrest was made of solid gold!!![smiley=drink.gif] And "C" I have now taken that Mustang seat and put it onto my B&B and have lessened the lower back pain and moved up onto the tank.
So I guess if DavidB did not notice seat positioning like mine I would recommend, if at all possible, try it before you buy it. There are lots of good seats but if you can go to a show and try a few out you'll be able to ensure the best fit and finish and be much happier than the quick jello fix. [smiley=brood.gif]
P.S. Per Mrs. We's testimony, I intend on going to Corbin in Daytona to follow that same advice. After reading the return policies posted on this site, I wanna hand it back to them rather than use the mail system. Butt hey, I gotta seperate from the tank! [smiley=drink.gif]