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Author Topic: Report: Hillary Clinton Wants Bill to Restore U.S. Image  (Read 4773 times)

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Re: Report: Hillary Clinton Wants Bill to Restore U.S. Image
« Reply #15 on: October 08, 2007, 05:42:03 PM »

What is really pitiful is the pi$$ poor choices we have to make for our elected representatives and president.  I've voted Republican since I cast my first ill informed vote for the Dems during the Vietnam war.  And, yes those were Dems who started that debacle.

I too am fed up with "W" and his free spending ways and utter failure to address illegal immigration.  But being from Tennessee I think I can say this with authority -  THANK GOD "W" IS IN THE OVAL OFFICE INSTEAD OF OUR OWN IDIOT AL GORE.

Please explain exactly what you think Al Gore could possibly have done that would have been even remotely as disastrous as our current President who has managed to mire us in another unwinable war one I might add that is literally bleeding this country dry while piling up huge deficits, printing T-bills which are being bought by the Chinese, totally destroying the middle class and oh yeah, my latest favorite sending his party hardy daughter out to defend him  So we've got 7 solid years of the Bush adminstration to look at as the best possible course of action NOT TO TAKE EVER AGAIN and still I have to read chit like this about what Al Gore  WOULD have done as if you personally know what plans Al Gore had for the country and YOU personally know exactly how Al Gore would have done things and You personally know it somehow could possibly have been worse than the total complete mess this country is in thanks to George W. Bush who will go down in history as THE WORST PRESIDENT in our entire existence.  Please, please, please using facts, pie charts bar graphs whatever suits you other than bullchit explain to me and everyone else so totally fed up and sick of posts like the one above why you continue to think this way because it's just exactly this type of thinking that is going to get another complete idiot elected.You and everyone like you who voted George W Bush into office are trying to run from your mistake by saying Al Gore would have done worse. There was awhile when some of my friends who supported George W seemed to see the light and own up to their mistake in supporting him. Now with the campaign for the 08 election in full swing, once again, instead of intelligent debate on who among those running might actually make a good choice we get this same tired old name calling mud slinging bullchit. Get it in your head, you voted in the worst President in our history. At least you can own up to it and promise to try to do better the next time instead of posting total crap like what you posted that got me off on this rant. If you support a Republican candidate tell us why and what you feel they can do for The United States of America. If you support a Democratic candidate, tell us why in kind. What's done is done, I am counting the days till this current crop of self aggrandizing fools is gone, but I am also listening to and reading about every candidate no matter their party afflation. I'm not going to hold what the current idiot did against Rudy Guliani or Mitt Romney etc. AND as to Hillary, for what it's worth, she is the most investigated public figure in the history of the world and exactly what has anyone proved she's done wrong ?  Zip, zero nada  but yeah, she's a bad person because - - - - whisper whisper rumor rumor  and oh by the way, I know a guy who's fifith cousin was a waiter in the White House and none of the staff like her and my uncle's son in law's brother's cousin was on duty at Camp David and he said she's a bitch. I'm not saying I have any intention of voting for her, but she's stood by her husband when most women would have bailed. She's taken way more in way of personal attacks than any first lady or Senator ever has and done so without whining about it. The list goes on. 


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« Last Edit: October 08, 2007, 06:43:55 PM by SPIDERMAN »


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Re: Report: Hillary Clinton Wants Bill to Restore U.S. Image
« Reply #16 on: October 08, 2007, 07:54:57 PM »

Hey Spiderman.
I'll throw my two cents in here.  I don't like Clinton.  Or his witch.  period.  And it has nothing to do with how they do thier jobs.  I was stationed at Eglin AFB when the happy presidential couple came in to our base , and, well, you know how the dog and pony show goes when the Prez shows up.  As one of the guys on the sharp end of the spear in that part of the world, I and my crew were right up close and personal for where they entered the building and I can say, without any doubt, that both Bill and Hillary both treated the active duty personnel that they came in contact with, myself included, with the utmost of disrespect and disdain.  They actually seemed to go out of thier way to make themselves as jerkish, unfriendly, nasty, and as difficult as possible.
As the senior NCO for the unit, I was deeply ashamed of the behavior of my commander in chief. 

That being said, he did some good things.  and he was good at what he did.  I still think they are both criminals, but that is no different than any other politician.  HOWEVER, crapping on my troops is unforgiviable. period.

There's a first person opinion for you. 

PS:  Bush is a criminal too, just different.   

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Re: Report: Hillary Clinton Wants Bill to Restore U.S. Image
« Reply #17 on: October 08, 2007, 08:25:12 PM »

Hey Spiderman.
I'll throw my two cents in here.  I don't like Clinton.  Or his witch.  period.  And it has nothing to do with how they do thier jobs.  I was stationed at Eglin AFB when the happy presidential couple came in to our base , and, well, you know how the dog and pony show goes when the Prez shows up.  As one of the guys on the sharp end of the spear in that part of the world, I and my crew were right up close and personal for where they entered the building and I can say, without any doubt, that both Bill and Hillary both treated the active duty personnel that they came in contact with, myself included, with the utmost of disrespect and disdain.  They actually seemed to go out of thier way to make themselves as jerkish, unfriendly, nasty, and as difficult as possible.
As the senior NCO for the unit, I was deeply ashamed of the behavior of my commander in chief. 

That being said, he did some good things.  and he was good at what he did.  I still think they are both criminals, but that is no different than any other politician.  HOWEVER, crapping on my troops is unforgiviable. period.

There's a first person opinion for you. 

PS:  Bush is a criminal too, just different.   


I respect your opinion and you've earned the right to it (although that same right is what all men and women at arms fight for)  I do digress with you on two points. A) The Clintons have been investigated more than any other policticians in our history and no criminal behavior ever came to light. So if you choose to dislike them personally, fine that's ok by me, but criminals they are not. B) Hillary Clinton did not get a blowjob while President of the United States  :D

I have never met a single US President, so I don't put much a premium on whether or not they might like me personally. As to the dog and pony show issue. No President in history has used the military as a propaganda tool more than George W Bush. And if you think his "military service " was no less respectful of the military than the slight you felt from the Clinton's then again that is your right. As to me, I have never understood how the right can support a guy who is phony in every way possible and has never done a single good thing for his country and allowed those around him to question the patriotism of people who have served.

As I said, vote for whomever you want, but we got the jackass we've got at the moment from people voting for him for all the wrong reasons. The country cannot afford another such mistake



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Re: Report: Hillary Clinton Wants Bill to Restore U.S. Image
« Reply #18 on: October 08, 2007, 10:58:52 PM »

No arguement from on any point, except two...  The criminality.   I think they are all crooked.  In one way or another, crooks.  Unfortunately, I think the current system prohibits an honest person from even getting close to winning a major election.  I know the Clintons have gotten a raw deal.  I kinda think they deserved it, but I don't they deserved it any more than Bush, or Bush, or Carter, or, or, Okay, all of them.... 

and the BJ.  I think Hillary deserved it more than Bill, so she should have gotten it, even if she didn't!!!! 

I agree that we can't afford another mistake with the presidency, but I don't see any good choices either...     I'm just afraid now.....   not even hopefull anymore.
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Re: Report: Hillary Clinton Wants Bill to Restore U.S. Image
« Reply #19 on: October 11, 2007, 10:45:16 PM »

somehow those words  "but I didn't inhale"  just sums up the whole clinton debacle.

HA, HA, HA,  ,,,,, I LIKE IT !!!!!!!

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Re: Report: Hillary Clinton Wants Bill to Restore U.S. Image
« Reply #20 on: October 11, 2007, 11:21:54 PM »

  But being from Tennessee I think I can say this with authority -  THANK GOD "W" IS IN THE OVAL OFFICE INSTEAD OF OUR OWN IDIOT AL GORE.

Go easy on AL. He did create the Internet and is personaly going to Reverse Global Warming , Save the Planet , Win the Nobel Peace Prize and then claim the White House. I heard him say so.


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Re: Report: Hillary Clinton Wants Bill to Restore U.S. Image
« Reply #21 on: October 11, 2007, 11:57:49 PM »

somehow those words  "but I didn't inhale"  just sums up the whole clinton debacle.

And how do you sum up Dubya's two terms ?   

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Re: Report: Hillary Clinton Wants Bill to Restore U.S. Image
« Reply #22 on: October 12, 2007, 10:14:41 AM »

Go easy on AL. He did create the Internet and is personaly going to Reverse Global Warming , Save the Planet , Win the Nobel Peace Prize and then claim the White House. I heard him say so.

Kind of ironic, He DID win the Nobel Peace Prize. It's funny the things that make you stop and go, Hmmmmmm.

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Re: Report: Hillary Clinton Wants Bill to Restore U.S. Image
« Reply #23 on: October 12, 2007, 10:47:35 AM »

Maybe Hillary stood by her husband when others wouldn't but she didn't want to lose her meal ticket.  As a citizen of the great state of NY I'm truly offended that she's my senator.  She could have moved ANYWHERE in the US to run for the senate but she chose NY simply because it's a democratically controlled state with a lot of electoral votes which had a retiring Democratic Senator at the time (Moynihan).  Her election was a guarantee based on the party's history of lock step voting.  In my book, this makes her a CARPET BAGGER plain and simple.

I'll never get the image out of my mind of her during GW's state of the union address a couple years ago of her rolling her eyes and clapping sarcastically.  We simply aren't ready for socialized medicine.
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Re: Report: Hillary Clinton Wants Bill to Restore U.S. Image
« Reply #24 on: October 12, 2007, 11:14:08 AM »

Maybe Hillary stood by her husband when others wouldn't but she didn't want to lose her meal ticket.  As a citizen of the great state of NY I'm truly offended that she's my senator.  She could have moved ANYWHERE in the US to run for the senate but she chose NY simply because it's a democratically controlled state with a lot of electoral votes which had a retiring Democratic Senator at the time (Moynihan).  Her election was a guarantee based on the party's history of lock step voting.  In my book, this makes her a CARPET BAGGER plain and simple.

I'll never get the image out of my mind of her during GW's state of the union address a couple years ago of her rolling her eyes and clapping sarcastically.  We simply aren't ready for socialized medicine.

Well you obvioulsy voted against her and she won anyway which says that your fellow New Yorkers see something in her they like. Now you could move to another state with elected officials you agree with or you could campaign for someone to unseat her. As to lockstepping, I think the GOP has that dance step down far better then the DEMS. Not to get too technical, but I believe the term carperbagger came from the post Civil War era when Northerners went SOUTH.

We do need to do something about medical care in this country. Far too many people who work 2 and 3 jobs cannot afford it. Well in excess of 50% of all bankruptcies are caused by medical bills. On your final comment, I don't care for the woman myself and what she did at the State of the Union while understandable given the villiage idiot she was listening to was tacky at the least. Whatever I think of GWB he is my President and I would show him the respect the office is due if I were to meet him in person. That's simple good manners taught to me at my Mom's knee.

In the end what I've been trying to say is that we really need to elect someone smart enough to fully grasp all of the issues this country is facing. Yes, that person will have a staff and that staff needs to be very intelligent, energetic, and open minded at times. Neither party is ever completely right nor wrong. What we cannot afford however is another President who is elected because he IS NOT something. As in we'll vote for George because he isn't Clinton or he isn't Gore or he isn't Kerry. I have no idea at this point who I am going to support. It would seem that the people I like on either side of the aisle are listed as 3rd or 4th in the polls. Here's one thing I'd like to ask everyone to think about. Do you prefer your tax dollars being spent on Iraq or on Social Security ? Do you prefer your tax dollars being spent on Iraq or on public education ? Do you prefer your tax dollars being given to foreign nations or being used for your fellow Americans ?

If I've offended anyone in my posts on this thread, then I apologize and I mean it. It's high time we as voters stopped acting like kids in a school yard calling people names however and started acting like adults and making intelligent, informed choices. Vote smart not idiologically.


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Re: Report: Hillary Clinton Wants Bill to Restore U.S. Image
« Reply #25 on: October 12, 2007, 12:46:04 PM »

I agree Spidey.  It's time to make informed decisions.  It doesn't take a village to raise a child it takes TWO parents.  I'm just not ready for Hillary as Commander in Chief.....
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Re: Report: Hillary Clinton Wants Bill to Restore U.S. Image
« Reply #26 on: October 12, 2007, 12:46:52 PM »

Contrary to what people in this country think/thought, the rest of the world did not really concern themselves, or condemn the Presidency, because a grown man got a BJ.  Guess they felt that was a problem he and his wife needed to work out.... :nixweiss:

George Bush, Sr, an intelligent (unlike his imbecilic son), involved man, does not seem to have a problem with partnering with Bill in various worthwhile endeavours throughout the world.
Not too many people in the US cared much that he got a BJ either, but being the guy in charge of the justice dept and lieing to a grand jury.....well..... did get more than a few people upset.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2007, 12:57:39 PM by DWTCVO »


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Re: Report: Hillary Clinton Wants Bill to Restore U.S. Image
« Reply #27 on: October 12, 2007, 12:51:08 PM »

Not too many people in the US cared much that he got a BL either, but being the guy in charge of the justice dept and lieing to a grand jury.....well did get more than a few people upset.

depends on what is    is     :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


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Re: Report: Hillary Clinton Wants Bill to Restore U.S. Image
« Reply #28 on: October 12, 2007, 01:01:06 PM »

Oh and for those of you who think this war is unwinable.  As I sit here in Iraq tonight, it is finally official as of this week ther is absolutley no location inside Iraq where the general population IS NOT POINTING OUT WHO THE INSERGENTS ARE.  Yes folks the tide is turning in this war.....too bad the Democrats sided with losing.

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Re: Report: Hillary Clinton Wants Bill to Restore U.S. Image
« Reply #29 on: October 12, 2007, 01:05:40 PM »

 :carrot: :cucumber: :pepper: :pineapple: :orange: :apple: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink:

That's awesome news!  Be safe my brother.  I think we're doing the right thing there but I agree with a lot of others who think we shouldn't have been there in the 1st place.  We've got to help those people.  We're still in Germany and Japan after 62 years.  Hopefully this won't take as long.
"I don't mind coming to work,
But that eight hour wait to go home is a bitch."

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