I stopped by the hospital last night to see Ed. Saturday was a rough day. Some of the meds had him sick as a dog. They changed it and it's better now. He's gotten pneumonia now. They say that's pretty common whenever you have roken ribs because you aren't breathing so well. He's hoping to go home in a day or two.
In my humble opinion, deer whistles aren't worth squat. I've use them and hit deer with a cage. Living in an area with this many deer it's something we deal with al the time. I hit one with the truck just last year. There wasn't time to do anything. I didn't even touch my brakes.
The fall of the year deer are moving more than the summer time. Early in the morning, late in the evening and after dark are the worst times. If I catch myself out at these times, esp in the fall, I try and avoid the back roads as much as possible. I know the local roads where I see the most deer. Those are the roads I'll avoid. Not to say you won't hit one on the interstate too.
A friend of mine gave me the best advise I ever heard, and you don't have to buy anything. If you see a deer, BLOW YOUR HORN. The deer will normally head off the road asap. I've tried it, and it works. Problem is, I usually am too busy hitting the brakes and steering to avoid the beast and forget the horn.
I wish they were all dead. I'm sure the tree huggers will think less of me.