My buddy, Cheevers, is 6' 4" and bought a Dyna and the bike was too cramped for him. He added foot peg extensions and all of the other obvious stuff to help him stretch out, but ultimately sold it for a different model. Be sure you can live with the dimensions for long hours in the saddle...unless that isn't the goal.
i agree. at 6'1, 215 lbs, and being on a dyna the last 2 years, i find it a great handling hot rod. BUT---its good for about 2 hours before it starts killin your legs and back.
its perfect for ripping the rural roads, you can drag the pegs, pull wheelies, jumps hard in light to light races, but sux on any distance rides.
know a guy who rode from alabama to oregon and back on a fxdl and loved it, but he is small frame at around 5'5.
hoping this helps.