I have not had prostate cancer, but my father did. That was 15-20 years ago and he is healthy happy and kickin' it at 72. He just left my house with his new girlfriend.
So, hang in there. Treatment's are far better than they were when my dad was diagnosed. Talk to your doc. Get second opinions. Research other's treament and experience. You might Google "Andy Garcia prostate cancer". Andy was (is?) the CEO of Intel. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer and was told he'd have to have a prostatectomy. He did a lot of research and ended up having a radioactive implant placed near his prostate. Last I heard he was still in remission and that was after about 15 years.
Most importantly keep a positive outlook on things. Your mind is the greatest healer of all. If you run from this you won't be nearly as successful as you will facing it head-on, calling it's name and telling it to "back the f#@k off!"
Keep the faither, man!