Before i bought this bike, I had a skunk on order. I rarely ride with a passenger and really only use the tour pack when I travel. I called the local HD dealer and asked what it would cost for parts and labor to rig the tour pack so it was easy disconnect so I can have a 1 of a kind RG custom when I wanted, or ride 1 of 1,347 SERGU too. They said they only did it once, and it cost the customer over $2,000 for the mods
I spoke with the parts manager who I had known for several years that started out on the counter, and he said the expense was in the wiring? The amp, electric locks and such if you wanted it to all work both ways? He said if you wanted to trash the Harley tour pack amp, that would save a lot of money and time, but you would still have a pretty hefty investment? He said things you don't think about, like the filler strips when the tour pack is off, and you probably don't want that cushy pillowy seat if you are looking for that slick custom look. When you take all that into consideration, thats $$$$
Any thoughts? I like the idea of the 1 of a kind but I have limits!!