Yea, but "she" doesn't look at the site so "we" will be safe.
Ride Safe,
Reminds me of an incident. Grad school. A guy named Don and a guy named Bill (certainly fictional characters). Bill has loaded the utility wife v 1.0 and is quite content with the fact that this utility doesn't have the "snoop" function nor the "follow" function added and that he has fully installed the entire "she trusts me" suite.
Don and Bill go to a bachelor party. Bill gets a little out of hand. Wife v 1.0 actually pops out of the box during the evening. This would be the box that the professional undresser was supposed to pop out of. As wife v 1.0 exercises this unsuspected subroutine Bill is sating his apparent case of the munchies on a young lady's nipple. Bill, by the way, is now on wife v 4.0.