No, not the TV show. Our site member Gilligan is on a great cross country trip and was coming through my area this morning. We were planning to meet at the local bike shop. I had my niece in tow and that would normally be a good thing. She loves the bike shop after all. But unfortunately this morning instead of a happy Harley kid she was a three year old with an upset tummy who projectile vomited all over me and her just before Steve was due to arrive.
So even more unfortunately I had to bail on meeting Gilligan this morning. Steve, really sorry about missing you this morning. I'd been really looking forward to it and when you called this morning I was looking forward to it even more.
Glad you got the phone message ok so at least you knew what was going on. Hope the trip is tremendous fun. That trip home sounds like a great one too. Again, my sincerest apologies for needing to cut out this morning. Always hate missing an opportunity to meet a member here.
Bye now,