It's all part of the Harley master plan.
They get you to buy a CVO bike, but alas, it does not come with bags or a windshield. So you "purchase the bolt ons" from the catalog. These items serve you well around town and on weekend jaunts. But then comes the big GTG and you are on the road for days in a gypsy like manner. You are soon jealous of "The CVO Baggers" with their fairings, large saddlebags, and cavernous tourpacks. You stare in disbelief as the other CVO riders and their wives show up with several jackets, a weeks wear of clothes, bottles of champagne (I'm not naming anyone), tools, iPods, cameras, and their pets.
Upon your return home you go and buy a CVO Bagger. This is a proven formula as it has happened more than once (again,..I'm not naming names).
Like I said, it's all part of their master plan.