You guys are causing me to become confused again. The roller is supposed to contact the plunger rod of the master cylinder, and similar to how a roller rocker arm works it should reduce side loading of the rod as the lever is functioned as well as protect the rubber grommet that seals the end of the plunger to the actual master cylinder casting. If the roller falls out, I would expect a big enough difference in feel and actual operation to be quite noticeable since there is nothing to press on the plunger once the roller falls out except the metal that holds the roller. That would add extra play in the system, and would probably tear up the rubber grommet in no time. If I read the first post correctly, you're saying the clutch still works without the roller? I'm not sure how that could be, but there again I've never tried it. Or is the roller still in there and just the little bushings that are attached by the "springy looking" plastic strap are missing? Anywho, I'd suggest inspecting the rubber grommet carefully for damage.