EXPENSIVE !!!!!I had the following tools on my list to 'buy' but after getting the prices ...... I am now on a quest to find someone that I can borrow them from .... or hang the parts on the wall just for the WOW factor in case someone who really does wrench on their bike will have something to look at
ck these tools and the COST !
• Lifter block (Tappet guide) alignment tool HD-33443 – $33 ea (need at least 2)
• Belt tension gauge HD-35381 – $40 ea ---- I suppose there are 'other' ways to measure the tension.... homemade device should be too hard to come up with
I don't even know HOW to use these two tools, but believe that I need them for the build
• Piston pin retaining ring installer HD-34623b – $150 ea
• Piston ring compressing tool HD-96333-51C – $180 ea
I'm not spending that kind of money on ONE TIME USE tools...... has to be another way..
got any ideas or suggestions ...?
you know, something 'real' that I might be able to pursue
Thanks for you help !!