There is a simple solution to this, wear a full face with pinlok insert OR if you are still living in the past and wearing a open face, or no helmet, still no problem. Oakley Snow ski goggles, they have dual lens and and foam around the sides to allow air flow, the foam is pretty water proof but if you tape off the lens and spray the foam with "Green" scotchguard you are good to go. I rode home from Atlanta (480) miles in a major rainstorm the whole way, never had any fogging, even when stopped using the Oakleys. They have rubber around the nose, sides to mate with your head, I did trim that to fit my nose better but otherwise they fit pretty much everybody. They also have a purpose shapped goggle for glasses folks. When I used these, before we changed over to full face year around, I liked the yellow tint best for gray rainy wear. They are not cheap, but work great and you can buy replacement lens if you need them. Just make sure they are the Dual Lens as the single lens will fog up instantly. I promise you will be amazed.