As Greg wrote in first reply..
Griot's Garage has every thing for detailing cars, motorcycles, etc. Go to their website ""
and look at all the goodies. I have no interest in their business other than using a lot of their supplies. I have both of their Random Orbital buffers (big & little) and three different polishes, Best of Show Wax, Micro Fiber towels,
Spray on Wax, Speed Shine, etc. etc. I first started using their stuff on my black Cobra show car when nothing else
would make me happy and this stuff did the trick. You can buy a full kit with every thing or one thing at a time.
Once you buy they start sending you a monthly handbook with all their goodies. If you want a buffer just for the cycle I would recommend the smaller 3" Random Orbital Buffer. These buffers will not burn through your paint
and work wonders getting scratches and swirl marks out.
Good Luck
Scotty in Seattle