Ok, got my expensive helmet. Let me start by saying that just the looks of it makes you drool. I wore it and rode with it about 80 miles. The helmet fit very snuggly although it does not feel tight.
The chin strap mechanism is awesome, with quick release strap.
Ventilation : extremely well aerated , you can actually feel te air coming in from the chin and vertex vents.
Noise, compare to my Shoei 1100 is very quiet but not for much.
Weight definitely lighter that all other helmets I've owned , smaller foot print than the others as well.
Pin lock system for the face shield works really well , with 0% fogging , is really amazing.
Solar visor very easy to deploy and ver comfortable.
The front/chin modular mechanism is very easy to open and close with one hand , even with the gloves on.
So all I can say that I believe it was worth the risk to buy this very expensive helmet and expect to get 5 good years out of it. If you are thinking about changing/upgrading your helmet and you want to spend that kind of money to keep your head over your shoulders in case of an accident, seriously consider the Schuberth C3 .
Disclaimer: I have no financial ties with any company mentioned above, this is just a personal report of this riding gear. I am not an expert or professional reviewer either. Always perform your own research before making a decision what helmet to wear.